Plunder Patroll

Master V from on January 20th, 2024
cp-ur 840 + cp-sr 450
40 cards

Notes & Combos


This version of Plunder is one of the most complicated ways to plunder. The payoff is turn 0 plays and it is just hillarious whipping out the trolls vs an opponent expecting the usual lab matchup.

Most of my duels going first were setting up lab plays. Then following up with plunder plays turn 3. Opening any 2 card combintaion between Gold, White, or Yarrrd will get you the Jord combo. Blackeyes and Red are technically garnets, you want to search them from the deck. Opening them by themselves is bad. Red is less bad cause you can just normal summon it to turn it into a ship next turn.

Going second there are turn 0 plays/disruptions by using furntures to discard the shufflers or Whitebeard plus the pop with lovely if you open clock. Whitebeard will summon Redbeard from the deck to summon a ship then if you can Jord you can summon another Whitebeard to summon another ship. Worst case if you don't have a plunder discard you at least have a body on field to bounce with Big Welcome next turn.

Even if you do not open plunders Arianne will help you get to them eventually. D Barrier and Eradicator will auto win some duels. Reading the delay helps to know if you will be able to pull those plays off and you can flex them out for Daruma or Full Force/Deck Devistation. Lines can get pretty complex and missplays will happen, I will leave some example duels below.

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ID: 821-438-670

1 20 2024 13:37:52 — Vs Lab

1 20 2024 02:24:35 — Vs Gold Pride

1 20 2024 00:10:07 — Vs some wierd Superheavy Branded deck.

1 14 2024 00:43:00 — This was my best Turn 1 board.