Superheavy Samurai

Master V from on February 4th, 2024
cp-ur 960 + cp-sr 450
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Improved version from the more game I played, against good players Gamma is just a brick(if you in lower rank than Master Gamma still worth running) if you draw them 1 brick if you draw Driver too then 2 bricks, so I cut that out and I chose Bystial because of Mathmech and Branded and 1 Ghost Mourner because there no more good hand-trap left(I hate Nib never use it against Branded, Lab, VS, Tear)

in the Extra deck, I play Abyss because Branded and Mathmech are meta right now

*Note If you play against 60 cards deck please summon Abyss at the end board instead of Borreload because the most likely to be a Branded player

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