Plunder Patroll

Master V from on February 25th, 2024
cp-ur 960 + cp-sr 330
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Plundrynth – S26

Had a lot of fun with this build this season. There are lots of little synergies between Diabell stuff and the rest of the deck. I'll list a few here:

  1. Returning Diabell with big welcome. Silvera stays live on field because it can send hand for cost as well.
  2. Sending Yarrrd on field to gy with Diabell to recyle a plunder from backrow.
  3. Diabell sending Whitebeard will chainlink block Whitebeard from being ashed.
  4. Silvera sending Diabell from the hand will trigger clock in gy.
  5. Sending Diabell with furniture on opponents turn will trigger her allowing Silvera to be set for next turn.
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ID: 821-438-670

All replays here are Plundrynth and are usually updated quite often. The deck has a bit of a learning curve, feel free to visit Plunder discord for any help!