Chain Burn

Master V from on February 22nd, 2024
cp-ur 450 + cp-sr 570
40 cards

Notes & Combos

You get to burn your enemies and nobody expects it, it's the Spanish Inq... I mean Chain Burn!

Burn Baby Burn!


There's a surprising amount of depth to the deck and I feel like writing a comprehensive guide, but for now some quick tips will suffice...

This is a going 2nd deck, and there are a few reasons behind that:

  • The 6th card often makes the difference between winning or losing.
  • The opponent is more likely to build large board.
  • You are spared from Lightning Storm.

Math Tricks

Damage Per Card

With 6 cards in hand, you want to hit at least 1600 damage per card, 2000 if possible and anything over that is amazing.

  • With 1600 dmg per card you need 5 cards to reach lethal
  • With 2000 dmg per card you need 4 cards to reach lethal

This means that on average you can afford 2 cards being negated or wasted to still win by T3.

What's gonna hurt more?

Just Desserts / Ceasefire vs Secret Blast

Secret Blast will do more damage when the ratio Backrow:Monsters is 1:1 or higher.

Just Desserts / Ceasefire vs Secret Barrel

Secret Barrel will do more damage only when the ratio Backrow+Hand:Monsters is 2:1 or higher.

Secret Blast vs Secret Barrel

Secret Barrel will do more damage when the card ratio Hand:Field is 1:1 or higher.

Other Tips

Hold middle mouse button or the (i) button to see the number of cards in hand.

Change your Activation Confirmation setting to "Hold(1)". Hold LMB to activate traps at any time and RMB to hide your possible interactions.

Dimension Wall + Mahaama

The combo with the highest DMG potential. Since Mahaama triggers with ANY battle damage on the opponents turn you can do twice a monster's attack with this combo. 6000 LP is fairly common!

Lava Golem + Ring of Destruction

If you open this, destroy the Golem on Standby right after it triggers its burn. It's already half your opponent's LP and you're unlikely to have a better target later on the turn.

Secret Blast

Always activate Secret Blast if it's gonna be destroyed. Unless the activation is negated, both effects will go off. Consider doing it EVEN under LOHP, since when you activate it, it's face up and no longer protected!

Extra Deck

The ED is mostly irrelevant, but I highly recommend having a copy of Linkuriboh and Linguriboh for the occassional Iblee or Dark Angel lock.

In the same vein, copies of Garura and N'tss help on the occasional Dogmatika match up.

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