
Master V from on December 31st, 2023
cp-ur 810 + cp-sr 690
43 cards

Notes & Combos

My personal take on the going second dogmatika build mixed with Mekk-Knights, that I used to get to master while being in the 8% that don't run maxx c AND the 12% in master that don't run ash blossom.

Why Mekk-Knights

I've tried a ton of different engines with dogmatika, from pure to nekroz, to even impcantations, and mekk-knights seemed to fit the best as a deck that can turn on the dogmatika's extra deck requirements very easly while being a pretty compact engine and benifiting from going second, which dogmatika also benifits off of. Mekk-Knights also add the bit of additonal punch that dogmatika needs to be competitive in this day and age, as even though it has gottem some custom cards throughout the time (Matrix is the most custom ritual card ever, and nadir does indeed have a servent) it's endboards pure just leave a bit to be desired, and has to go through a very specific line to OTK going second when that's nessicary, and mekk-knights basically supliment all of that, from additional otk power, to a boss monster that is very very hard for certain decks to deal with.

Going second cards

The going second lineup is variable, but I have been very very happy with it beyond book of eclipse, because I simply haven't gotten to activate and resolve it since I put it in, that card was contact C before and that's what I did most my climbing on, so you can include that instead.

Maxx "C" and Ash

Simply put, I think in a world where most of the decks running around are always running 7 answers to maxx c, the card just feels too unrelyable especially when it'd be taking a 3 of spot from something else that has a much higher chance of resolving like evenly or nib. And with ash, while I think the card is much more relyable, I also think it's impact often times isn't high enough, hitting D-link or Vanquish soul with it feels pointless (maybe post banlist it'll be better vs d-link with them losing a few exstenders and every VS player I played climbing had razen access through an ash), and even against branded, with their new support, stopping branded fusion doesn't even guarantee you stop their turn anymore vs something like a well timed nib.

Tips for the deck

With that out of the way, some things I'd say about the deck, be sure, if it's possible, to use your MK engine before your dogmatika, as you will be locked out of the extra once you use any dogmatika card that is not Matrix or Fleur. Similarly, Use WR-Memory Sparingly as you will Be Mekk Locked.

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I'll be putting up replays for this deck in the coming Hours/Days, again, some may contain Contact "C" because that's the spot book of eclipse was before swapping it.

ID: 824-998-230