Crystal Beast

Master V from on December 21st, 2023
cp-ur 900 + cp-sr 330
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Hey there,


"Golden Rule" and "Crystal Bond" summons a 5000atk The Arrival Cyberse @Ignister. ~5 diffrent cb ready on field + grave, for other boss monsters.

very consitent and adaptable deck, thanks to tons of search cards and strong boss monsters.

Abbreviations: cb: Crystal Beast rb: Rainbow rbd: Rainbowdragon ruby, sapphire, etc: respective Crystal Beast

Search cards (get what is missing/you need): rb Bridge. rb Bridge Heart, Awakening of the Crystal Ultimates (both effects if any rbd is on the field), Noble Knight's Shield-Bearer (for Sapphire pegasus)

Basic Combo for Arrival @Ignister:

use Crystal Bond for Sapphire in hand and cb Rainbowdragon on field -> use cb Rainbowdragon effects to sommon Ruby -> summon Sapphire (use effect, specified which cb later) -> link fieldmonsters for Link 2 Fire/Darkness (here I:P Masquerena) -> golden rule for 1 wind cb (Sapphire if enemy can't negate ruby), 1 earth cb and Emerald Tortoise -> summon arrival

Biggest weakness: being tributed, Mikanko

Variations depending on hand: -basic combo + ruby-> use cb rbd for earth cb -only Sapphire, golden rule -> only 5 monsters possible, Dugares and Saryuja, bagooshka, Apollousa, etc. -only Sapphire -> Bagooska/Dugares and negates -basic combo + rb bridge heart + ruby -> summon ruby for Almiray, large combos, adapt -basic + Sapphire -> big combos, like Bagooska + Apollousa, etc. -Fenrir -> good with negates (Apollousa, etc.)

rb brdige Heart can remove extra-deck monsters. if Crystal Miracle is in grave and cb moved to spellzone, use rb bridge heart -> Crystal Miracle from grave to prevent rb bridge heart being negated.

rb brdige Heart allows you to get crystal cards while discarding cb monsters, moving them to spellzzone (+ other effect) or moving from spells to grave (for rbd overdrive)

Fenrir does Fenrir things, can be summoned by saryuja. Maxx C in enemy drawphase, sometimes a free turn -> otk

extra deck cards: -knightmares for removals. if you got 3 monster + arrival: summon phoenix -> unicorn -> Accesscode talker (with 8300atk by linking arrival) for 6 board removals -bagooska negates all activated effect of monsters, as long as they were in defence when activated (even when self tribute), good against purrley and kashtira. -Underworld goddess for tributing enemy.

Almiray is niche and can be replaced. overdragon can bring another "ultimate crystal" in the game for "rbd overdrive". Never really summoned overdragon tho, used almiray more often.

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