
Master V from on August 23rd, 2023
cp-ur 600 + cp-sr 510
42 cards

Notes & Combos

To see the combo guide and how the deck works in game check my youtube video!

Vaylantz is my favourite deck and I made a very budget version of this deck that has a high skill ceiling to play. You will have to learn how to play with a variety of different hands.

Necrovalley can be swapped for secret village of the spellcasters to save on ur dust.

Tips to remember: always pay attention to the columns. Your opponent will be unaware and place their monsters in columns where you can punish them with the field spell. This is the key to playing the deck at its full potential. Also keep the red field spell face up on the opponents side to protect yourself from evenly matched/lightning storm/imperm. These are things you will notice in my replays

Things that seem odd with my build: I played 0 handtraps from diamond V to Master V. The reason is that this deck plays through disruptions very easily and lava golem is more than enough to deal with any board at this point in the game.

You can check out the end of my video to see how I am able to unbrick my hands and play through multiple disruptions going second.

final thoughts: I think Vaylantz is the most overlooked and underrated deck in the game. Making it to master v was so easy. I think its a top 3 deck in the game just no one plays it because it is alot more difficult than decks like branded, tear, and Dragon Link.It is sad no one is willing to give it a try.

I will try to answer any questions you guys have in the comments of this post or the youtube video

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Player ID:703-239-308