
Master V from on August 18th, 2023
cp-ur 810 + cp-sr 330
40 cards

Notes & Combos

I have waited so long for these stupid cards to come out. Grinding without consistency was a nightmare. Felt very practiced once it did show up though.

Decided I want to play it pure. I don't want to cheese people with the stun locks because I find the Vaylantz movement mechanics from Arktos so much fun and true to the archetype.

Aimed for the deck to be very consistent and push through a couple of negates and handtraps. Not the best going second by quite consistent going first setting up 3/4 Apo + Arktos + Dominator, which tends to be enough to win most match-ups. Common going seconds are Evenly & Lightning which they can't activate since you should leave them a field spell so it's usually enough.

Personally I'm a fan of Mamonaka. I'm aware it's a huge resource sink but every so often when it comes out, fairly fun, has stolen me a game or two. Especially useful if you're post turn 4 somehow.

I've never used the rail guns. They can OTK easily Turn 2 but you put out so many other resources and destruction it's usually just Arktos + Accesscode for game. Also originally had 3 Ash but I find Nibiru wins more games (you can't push the token boo). It's pretty disrespected on ladder. I've kept in the one for Crossout, has come in handy a couple times.

Vaylantz are such a fun, different way to play the game. Hope people see this and come join the like 8 of us who ever play it seriously.

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