
Master V from on August 22nd, 2023
cp-ur 840 + cp-sr 630
41 cards

Notes & Combos

Made it to Master with Floo and Lab

Probably you could make it more consistent with more pots but I prefered to put more engine for more ways to interact.

x3 Chaos Angel to be sure not to get banished from pots and Kashtira Unicorn.

D/D/D engine cause Machinex effect can mess up Kashtira, Pendulums, Spright and generally decks that need monsters on field. Though because I don't have Ariane it's difficult to summon it so you can put something else. Also alternatively you can make 4 mat Zeus.

Muckraker mainly for summoning from GY Chaos Angel for banishing again with its effect or Lovely to put it in attack position.

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Replay: 247-750-824