
Master V from on August 21st, 2023
cp-ur 840 + cp-sr 540
45 cards

Notes & Combos

This is the deck list of the Standard variant of DRAGUNITY. I've used this list (tweaked) to climb from Diamond 2 to Master 5. Standard endboard - without our normal summon - is usually: Areadbhair (equiped with Luin) + Spheres + Savage + Beast + Druiswurm in hand + either 3 other cards in hand (one of which is Ravine) or 2 other cards in hand + Dragon Ravine & Branded Regained on the field.

Most hands can, also, add Crystal Wing Synchro Dragon to the endboard, summoned on the 5th summon. The combo continues with our normal summon, afterward.

You can check my Youtube channel for the standard combo line, with this list or the Kaiju variant one, and you can check out the full in depth guide I've put up for the standard variant, as well.

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You can check my Youtube channel for many replays of this deck. You can, also, check any public replays I save, in game, by following my ID: 600-796-466.