Cyber Dragon

Master V from on August 31st, 2023
cp-ur 540 + cp-sr 210
41 cards

Notes & Combos

I restarted playing a week ago, climbed from gold to master with cydra. Clockwork and duality are game changers, with the new banlist I think this deck has potential to go master 1. Santa claws instead of second kaiju to avoid bricks, (I prefer it instead of eltanin). You could cut end dragon and the power bond package for handtraps and eternity dragon, but I'm a fan of these cards and it's nice to have more otk options imo. Zeus is good, but you can change it with eternity dragon, chaos angel or pleaides if you prefer (most of the times you want to otk anyway, so it doesnt matter that much i think). I saw a lot of lists without cyberload fusion, but i like the card, you can use it after powerbond (chimera effect) or overload fusion for an extra punch in battle phase, or even to play around bystials. Speaking of bystials, they're ones of the hantraps that more put me in difficulty, consider make room for 2 belle

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