
Master V from on April 10th, 2024
cp-ur 1380 + cp-sr 420
54 cards

Notes & Combos

116 games, 51 won cointosses, 65 coinlosses.

This deck is fun

but has 2 issues(*)

Game plan:

Going 1st: Snake-Eye climb, Pyros to GY, and put bodies to outlast your opponent's turn. Burn the opponents health down a lil, then beatstick w 2700-3100's.

If there are no interupts and S.Ash in hand => FTK potential. See MBT's volcanic Snake-eye FTK short video.

Going second you Trooper into Volcanic Blaze Accelerator, pop, and extend. Emperor will burn your worries away or beat them up if need be.

Maxx "C" on your Poplar summon? Add temple, put Flameberge, Summon I:P, put S.ash in backrow, pass. = Unicorn bounce, recursion, and 3 bodies they have to beat past/over, which only 4 players ever did.


  1. A native, searchable way to send face-up Tri-blaze.
  2. Extenders after Trooper gets negated

No native way to send Tri-blaze from face-up to GY; aka no turbo of consistent trap raigeki, requiring Snake-Eye/Diabelle cards to send it.

Trooper = negated = so sad. Often you would rather search s.ash off Bonfire, as Trooper without any extension is not worth summoning when going first. But insane going second if it resolves. Removal, combo, and beefy emperor sizzling them away.

Selene was useless.

Match ups

  • "pure" Snake-Eyes: we steal eachothers dragon. If they go first and start w Kash package = probably a loss. If they don't have Kash package: 60+% chance you win. Both players have resource gain, but you have burn and Emperor, which combined reliably beat 8K down to 0 on turn 3 to 4.

  • Stun, mixed bag on what floodgate, but generally miserable. I ran feather/storm in early diamond.

  • Lab, you outgrind them at 2x phase and burn them while doing so. Near 60-66% of all my games vs Lab have been won by Burn being 4K+ of the damage. >3K beatstick/turn is too much for the ladies.

  • Mikanko, Out of 11: they lost. Every, Single, Game. Summon bare minimum (they let you go first) and burn them in 2 turns, or summon multiple small snek in 200-1000 defense, or OTK w Emperor after Zealantis.

  • Branded. Fair match up.

  • Vanquished. Vanquished with a balanced hand can outresource you, and has destruction immunity. But it's playable as they are tiny and burn adds up.

  • Tearlaments. Imperm/veiler is often sufficient, but if they have a good day they have a good day and mill 16+. I want to say whomever Transaction Rollbacked the Ghost Meets Girl on me: ask your boss for a raise right now.


ID: 282-051-848. I have 2 recent replays.

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