
Master V from on April 5th, 2024
cp-ur 1320 + cp-sr 300
40 cards

Notes & Combos

last 20 games 75% win rate high 80% low 50% longest win streak 7 loss streak 4

had a string of bad luck with coin toss bricks and stun etc which was the low win rate...but returned to the mean.

best match was lab, worst was stun. Mirror is winnable with 2 interruptions like 90% of the time. Nib + keep mirror off of field spell is gg, so Mourner on poplar was clutch.

Any time i couldve searched kurikara or subversion they wouldnt have won me the game, and for my opponents on those techs they didnt help them. Just being able to stop combos was good enough.

D shifter is usually beatable but every game i got shiftered they also had macro set...fxck me, right?

Anyway. This deck is silly. Unicorn to 1 when? #FreeMasterPeace

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