
Master V from on April 13th, 2024
cp-ur 570 + cp-sr 360
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Fluffals are fun as ever, but definitely underpowered compared to top decks.

Best endboard is typicalaly Elf protecting Rage and Apollo, and set trap. Yama in the grave usually returns the Scythe to hand which provides an additional pop via Whale. I have seen Elf/Rage/Bagooska endboards but I couldn't consistently get the two lv4 mats with everything else.

If you get Maxx C'd T1, try to land Bagooska and then dig as much as possible for Scythe/Maxx/Nib. T2 just go for the OTK.

Dropped Ash since there's not a lot of room for non-engine and Nib can be much higher impact. Called By is still good for T1 or T2 so that stayed. There may be higher value negates than Maxx C so don't just send it.

I chose Eldlich over Souls or Diabellstar engines for better blind vendor hits and an extra interaction which can be used without triggering Princess or SE field spell. Also hits floodgates, and uses less deck space.

I miss having I:P and Abyss Dweller as ED options, but there's really no room with Unchained cards in there. Bagooska and Dugares are both fiends which can go into Yama as well.

Vs SE: Basically try to stop them from breathing or they go plus infinity. T2 into an Apollo is rough, but if they misplay with Princess you can punish them. If they are relying on field spell to summon their Flamberge>I:P, it's possible to snipe the I:P before it gets online and they're limited to a single Princess pop for the turn.

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MD ID: 179-362-604