
Master I from on September 26th, 2023
cp-ur 810 + cp-sr 630
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Modified trap labs. Feels extremely strong going first. Most board get cleared with 2-3 traps, and we have some great game-winning cards. There are some kinks to work out for sure, but I never really felt like I had a bad hand.

Keep in mind this deck kind of struggles going second. You can still clear boards it just takes alot of work. Vidoes on YT if you need replays=D. LMK if yall have questions.

Also terrors of the over root can now combo with arianna and rivalry/gozen much better so dont knock the card too fast. Peep the garura for Dogmatika

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Short vid because most people surrended if we went first. FEELSBADMAN