
Master I from on September 10th, 2023
cp-ur 900 + cp-sr 420
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Got to Master 1 for the first time ever with this. Turns out what you need to do to win enough for Master 1 is Dim Barrier Purrely a bunch of times. Was losing a ton with SPYRAL in Diamond, then caved and went on a winstreak when I switched to Lab. This deck is honestly better, for me at least, than Tear was. It's just the right level of passive-aggressive, can easily floodgate out your opponent and handrip to victory, and I was winning a lot when I got into the groove with it.

Lava Golem worked better than Nibiru. Most decks I faced did fine under 5 summons. Even then, Golem was just Noir insurance, but most of my Purrely opponents couldn't even get to Noir.

The field spell is overrated tbh. The pro players right now in the tcg mostly don't run it. It has some positives, but I never felt like I needed it.

You need Dim Barrier to win right now. It hard carried. Erad and Skill Drain were okay, but underperformed. I'd maybe replace them.

I see a lot of Lab players running a varied Extra Deck, but honestly, all you need is 3 each of the most important ED monsters. It sucks that N'tyss, Garura, Angel, and Buceph are all UR for Extrav. I hate that.

IDP and Overroot suck. I tried Fenrir for a little bit, and it was okay, but I felt fine dropping it, and didn't miss it. The Ishizu shufflers and Dogmatika engine also seemed unneeded. The simpler the deck, the better.

Evenly Matched was too bricky. Usually Lab can win if you can survive an otk, but decks can otk in 4 summons, making Nibiru dead, and Evenly would only do something after an otk has already killed you. One of the appeals of Lab is it has a bunch of Battle Fader-like cards, so your opponent otking through Maxx "C" ain't happening. Nib and Evenly don't help with that. Gamma also wasn't that good. You just draw Diver most of the time.

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