
Master I from on November 28th, 2023
cp-ur 660 + cp-sr 480
40 cards

Notes & Combos

So over the past few months I have been playing some uncommon rogue decks but nothing could have prepare me for this season. Back on my journey to play every deck in vrains and this time my eyes were set on Go Onizuka's Gouki deck. Not one of my favorite characters but his gouki deck was pretty cool to see in the show. From my knowledge gouki were meta back in the day but gouki can barely crawl in today's yugioh world. I decided to play a turn 2 gouki deck since a bunch of gouki link monsters are just beat sticks. So you play some turn 2 cards to clear the board or they didn't set up a great field and now you need to otk but how do you do it? Well you will need either:

  • Suprex + any other gouki with a different level from suprex
  • Headbatt + 2 of any gouki monsters(all 3 monsters cannot be level 2)
  • One for one +any other gouki monster that isn't level 1

You will need 2 gouki monsters on the field so when you link summon(I prefer gouki jet ogre but sometimes heel is a better choice) you can search twice for gouki rematch and gouki finishing move. Use gouki rematch to summon back the 2 monsters you used to link summon and then link of the gouki's into 1 of 3 of your boss beat sticks:

  1. Gouki The Blade Ogre is used if you need to tribute a problematic monster off your opponent's field. It's tribute effect works on a monster that's directly above the emz or if your opponent's link monster points directly down into your monster zone.
  2. Gouki The Master Ogre is used if your opponent has a swarm of monsters on the field(kashtira is prime example). It can attack all monsters your opponent controls but has to attack from highest attack points first. Just be careful the highest attack monster can be destroyed first.
  3. Gouki The Giant Ogre is used on open fields or if you sense a nibiru,effect veiler or imperm in your opponent's hand. Immune to any monster effect with attack equal or lower than it. If used with jet ogre and finishing move you can get a monster with 8500 atk which can deal lethal.

After deciding which of the three gouki monsters you summon activate gouki finishing move and pray that you have lethal. I make it sound simple but this season was all luck with my maxx c going through or my opponent disconnecting. It may be cheap but I take those wins cause I don't think I could have made it master 1 if not for those lucky situations. Unless you're a gouki lover then you're better off just not playing this and wait for critical support.

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MD ID: 598-997-672

All replays of gouki's are in November 2023

Master 4: Mathmech is on the rise so having cards like crow are essential. Red reboot is also good to have.

Master 2: My rank up game to master 1 against madolche. A prime example of luck and my opponent having the ability to disrupt me but because of not knowing what gouki's do(I don't blame him) I was able to summon giant ogre and attack with piercing damage for game.