Master I from on November 17th, 2023
cp-ur 600 + cp-sr 630
40 cards

Notes & Combos

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Player id: 241-686-618

I used to play triple Thrust with some useful spells at the start of the season due to kashtira.

You can modify cards depending on your rank and decks you face the most.

The deck struggles gainst bystials and Runick variants as they banish combo pices. Cyberse is a hard matchup.

You need to know other decks checkpoints in order to go further.

Always play around Thrust by opting for Sigfried wheneveryou can instead of searching Headhunt. (Search Orthros and SS it using the burn from Ragnarok scale effect).

D/D Dog is good boy who negates Arise-Heart and Mirrorjade when you need a searchable Imperm.

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