
Master I from on May 6th, 2024
cp-ur 1020 + cp-sr 540
43 cards

Notes & Combos

Season 29 Dino list

Replay ID: 810-659-908 only 1 new replay this season

Tried Evol sinful dinos for the fun of it this season. The deck feels good, not as bricky as a standard dino list and most hands can piece together at least UCT + lars (or live evol trap) at a bare minimum. This list is weaker going second since there's no board breakers, but it can play through a bit more interruption if going first.

Can't really speak much on how it went this season, most games seriously just came down to the maxx c minigame. Either I had the out (and opponent scoops immediately) or I just try to play through it, going first or 2nd. Is what it is, but that's the game we play. Or people just scoop as soon as the combo starts as well.

With SP coming soon, I might drop cerberus or IP for it but other slots can also be replaced for cards of you choice.

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Replay ID: 810-659-908