
Master I from on March 30th, 2024
cp-ur 1320 + cp-sr 240
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Player id: 018-478-910

Before the banlist the Bonfire in the deck was a third copy of Kashtira Unicorn.

I personally would rather run three Kashtira Unicorn and no Bonfire but I'm happy that Konami quickly noticed what they have done to the deck and emergency released Bonfire as a replacement.

The main boss monsters of the deck are Kashtira Unicorn and Kurikara Divincarnate and everything else in the deck is just there to support Kashtira Unicorn at invading the duel field.

The Snake-Eye cards alone are not just too vulnerable to handtraps if no additional extenders are available but also are not able to produce a strong going first endboard that guarantees the win.

No matter what version of Snake-Eyes is played the going second player just has to perform a chainlink blocked search for Kurikara Divincarnate and the entire end board of the going first player with all it's negates is gone.

Kashtira Unicorn provides enough additional going first extenders to recycle an already used Ash Blossom with Salamangreat Sunlight Wolf and summon Decode Talker Heatsoul to get disruptions in a place that's save from the opposing Kurikara Divincarnate.

Going second with Kashtira Unicorn for me feels better than any handtrap because the opponent is forced to stop it since it generates so much advantage.

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