Noble Knight

Master I from on March 31st, 2024
cp-ur 810 + cp-sr 630
48 cards

Notes & Combos

Climbed to DLV Max with a 60-card Noble Knight pile:

Then cut to 48 cards (and added Dempsey) to combat hand traps in Masters.

Competitive Arthurian Cards

A few Arthurian Cards create higher ceilings for modern Infernoble lines:

Medraut: Great value with Noble Arm/Brad/Museum in hand.

Camelot: Destruction protection for Charles. Flexible effect to either special Artorigus or fetch a "Noble Arm." Because Camelot and Museum fetch each other, Camelot allows you to summon an extra Blue Charles where other Infernoble variants could not (see combos below)

Round Table: Potential Pot of Greed in the End Phase to draw into hand traps with Table Effect 1 (dump Maugis) and Table Effect 12 (draw 1). If you draw 2, that's a ~45% chance to draw 1 of 8 Turn 2 hand traps (3 Ash, 3 Maxx C, 2 Veiler)

Gawayn: Gawayn was low-key buffed because of Camelot and Dempsey. Going First, Gawayn extends into your highest ceiling combos (usually Apollo lines). Going Second, Dai/Camelot/Chalice/Museum + Gawayn allows you to summon Rank 4 Custennin and weaken boards without committing your Normal Summon.

Artorigus: Target for Camelot and Dai. Summoning Artorigus first also helps you to "read" their hand for Imperm or Effect Veiler.

Playing Around Hand Traps Going First

If you brainlessly summon 2 warriors into Isolde every time, then the climb will be rough.

Use these cards to read your opponent's hand traps and pick the right combo line:

Wanted/Dai: Upon activation, if there is no delay, they probably do not have Maxx C or Ash.

Artorigus (Dai/Camelot): After Artorigus hits the field, check for a delay. If there is no delay, then when you summon an Effect monster, check for a delay again. If a delay happens now that an Effect monster has hit the field, they have Imperm/Veiler. Go into an Angelica-first line. Don't go into Isolde like a dummy.

Preserve Normal Summon: If possible, summon Isolde without your Normal summon. Then if Isolde is interrupted, Normal Ogier into a 1-card Angelica

New/Exclusive Combos:
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Noble Knights Replays with 60-card pile (Duelist Cup) and 48-card list (Masters) here 👉 993-633-412