
Master I from on March 30th, 2024
cp-ur 1140 + cp-sr 540
60 cards

Notes & Combos

Turn 1 Mikanko Deck. I found it was always useful to have an omninegate and ideally 2 (had 3 times where opponent had double evenly matches). Goal is to create isolde and build board. This deck has some turn 2 options as well just in case since I have bad luck with coin flips (Nib is helpful especially with crossout) mainly have to try to play thru all the negates have some good replays.

Diabella + Riccardito > Shooting > Power Tool. Give Power Tool Durandel and search either Sub knight or Ogier. Use Riccardito graveyard skill and special summon them - then make Isolde.

Isolde you have options For her first activation I typically pick Gearfried Second activation Option 1A : Renauld + Arabesque. You will send Arabesque to GY and have renauld put it back in your hand. Then equip renauld it then activate and grab the Ha-Re. Then use renauld activation to special summon as tuner and make Herald. With Herald you can search for Ohime by sending to grave by making either princess or Apollo. Or you can keep herald for omninegate. Option 1B : Renauld + Arabesque. You will send Arabesque to GY and have renauld put it back in your hand. Then equip renauld it then activate and grab the Ha-Re. Then use renald activation to special summon as tuner and make Baron with power tool, then you can use Ha-Re to make princess. Option 2 (more Bodies) - whoever you didn't pick to create isolde. Allows you to make bigger apollo. Option 3: Oliver - you need Ohime in hand for this option. allows you to create a non targetable baron. option4: ogier - have ogier send renald. make princess revive renald. this gives you more equip cards in grave.

When using Ohime - the goal is to try to get rondo in grave, and use ceremony to get Hu-Li on the field. So you can get either promise or rivalry on the field. Also when you have a lot of equip card use ritual to blow up traps as needed.

ogier is mvp in deck since I used him as isolde target and had him send renald. gets more equips in grave and give u an option to get another herald for omni.

added droplet which allows deck to get big winrates. highest was 9. unfortunately going to 10 lost due to niburu and they had 2 negates and me being greedy

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