
Master I from on March 7th, 2024
cp-ur 810 + cp-sr 420
43 cards

Notes & Combos

One of my least favorite climbs. Was playing livetwin spright but at some point I felt like it's very similar to mathmech in a lot of ways but just worse. A lot of games just come down to handtrap RNG wars. Knowing what to handtrap is extremely important though, and it often depends on what you have in hand as well (if things are looking bad you need to take some risks).

In M2 I faced a lot of Snakeye, SHS, and Mannadium.

Things you can just auto lose to:

  • vs stun going 2nd is really bad.
    • I put back in Archfiend Eccentrick because it is a really good small world bridge and when you need it you can search it to deal with backrow that just auto wins against you.
  • vs arise heart / shifter / d fissure
    • you have a chance if you have imperm, so it's worth saving it if you feel like they will get to arise heart anyways so you can imperm on your turn and hopefully OTK.
    • if you see kash unicorn, its usually still snake eyes, which means you are not supposed to imperm/velier/mourner it, but if it turns out to be kash then we get punished, which is gonna be always the case since snake eyes are much more popular rn.
  • kash unicorn (everyone plays this)
    • so I think going second vs unicorn in theory should be auto lose since all they need to do is banish accesscode on their turn when we handtrap and then banish terahertz on our turn when we have to activate something to play, which should just be auto lose for us most of the time. Again you can save imperm to deal with this on your turn. In practice though for some reason they always banish alembert or splash mage. Also cynet dump sigma would get banished by birth.

I took out equation cuz I just find myself searching superfact most of the time but I think I'm probably wrong. Nonetheless I was really just trying to make the deck as lean as possible so I see hand traps.

I also tried cutting micro coder and cynet conflict and I think it's fine, but I realized that they are actually not that bad even when having them in the starting hand (conflict going second feels bad but micro coder is fine) so if it's just 1 more undesirable card in some scenarios then I think it's worth for those times when our turn 1 combo fully goes through and that extra advantage really guarantees the win.

The ED is super tight and I'm still not sure what the best is. Ive tried cutting link spider for a 2nd laplacian or 2nd splashmage but I still just ended up with this list since nib is all over the place.

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