
Master I from on March 31st, 2024
cp-ur 750 + cp-sr 420
40 cards

Notes & Combos

I had a blast with this build, courtesy of freedume. They achieved 55th place in the Duelist Cup, see below for their updated build. お疲れ様でした!フリーダム/fTExp

This deck definitely has teeth, I am still in the process of learning the endboards. Its wild to me that 1 Circ can potentially end on Singularity + Terahertz + Superfactorial - a feat I've grown used to thinking that it required Circ + 1 Extender.

Freedume has an article showcasing combos but unfortunately I am unable to link it to give proper credit due to this website's restrictions. I'll share some of the combos from his youtube instead to give you an idea of how he plays the deck.

  1. Parallel eXceed using your NS (Almiraj):

  1. Defenser only

  1. Circular only

  1. 8300 Accesscode w/Ling insulation

A very unique line that makes up for the absence of Update Jammer + Access. The main OTK line I went for is Crystal Heart + Terahertz.

I really liked how this build can add back handtraps you use for Almiraj. In some instances, I feel like this deck can Droll itself to deal with Maxx and add it back for the opponent's turn. Even when I messed up the combo, it was impossible to lose with the classic Singularity + Terahertz + Superfactorial endboard.

Matchup Breakdown (78 Duels; 37 Heads, 41 Tails)
  • 26 Snake-Eye (33.3%, W/R = 57%)
  • 7 Labrynth (9.0%, W/R = 100%)
  • 3 Bystial Branded (3.8%, W/R = 66%)
  • 3 Kashtira (3.8%, W/R = 66%)
  • 3 Mikanko (3.8%, W/R = 100%)
  • 3 Stun (3.8%, W/R = 66%)

One of my "fastest" climbs, a PR for number of games played. On average, I expect 100 games. Snake Eyes are a difficult matchup but it's definitely knowing how to handtrap them. I played against exclusively Bonfire Snake Eye and it wasn't too bad. Feels like Spright format where you sort of have to play out the games because theres a chance a weenie is left on the board and you OTK it. Crystal Heart + Tera is my main way of OTKing Snake Eyes. It usually boils down to dealing with Promethean or in the case of Maxx "C" playing through Promethean to insulate you from their Nib.

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