
Master I from on March 9th, 2024
cp-ur 90 + cp-sr 630
40 cards

Notes & Combos

I have reached immortality in a way none of these pay to win bozos will ever do. I have become Nero and play with my fiddle as I watch the city u so cherish burn to ashes. I am atomic.

(now that im done monologing)

This is the cheapest deck to ever reach master 1. The extradeck can be anything you want bc its only used as banish fodder for pots. Go blind second and plop a lava golemn on opp field to take out negates. Set all backrow then kill em when you calculate you have enough.

Watch out for the burn guide coming out soon! Also, keep you eyes peeled for a youtube video with replays of the deck!

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(saved the replays of good matchs against branded and snake eyes)