
Master I from on June 17th, 2023
cp-ur 540 + cp-sr 630
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Zoodiac is back!

With the introduction of Bystial to Masterduel, Zoodiac now has the ability to beat Tearlaments without having cards like Macro Cosmos or D-Fissure in their deck. Also Bystials give Zoodiac a fighting chance against Branded even though Branded overall still has a great advantage against Zoodiac. Now let me discuss some of the outplace tech options(Droll and DRNM) in my current deck-list and potential changes if you are seeing a deck like stun more often for example.

  1. In Master tier in-particular the four most common decks are Spright, Tear, Branded, and sometimes D-Link. There are of-course other decks that appear (played against Rhongo turbo in Master 2 lol), but those decks will appear most often. So it is crucial to prepare your Zoodiac deck against those match-ups if you want to rank-up.

  2. Bystials, D.D Crow, and Shifter are three good cards against the four decks (Bystial are big bodies + D.D Crow hits Ronin, etc). D.D Crow in-particular was still excellent even with Bystials entering the game. Some Tear decks are now playing Branded in High Spirits (BiHS) to turbo out Kit on an empty board state completely or Sulliek send their single Tear from the field to GY which both dodge Bystial, D.D Crow hits the Tragedy or Retributuion GY effect to return a Branded Spell/Trap from GY to Hand, and stops BiR when they have an empty field. Finally against Spright it completely turns off their Frog engine as Ronin can be banished by D.D Crow.

  3. Dark Ruler No More has to be mentioned as this card can be either an auto-win (against Spright and sometimes D-Link if they are unable to Branded Beast out), but it does nothing to Branded and Tear. When playing against Spright if you opened DRNM, atleast negate Jet to prevent them from searching Double-Cross or Smashers as that is the only way they'll be able to stop Zeus from coming out. D-Link also dies to DRNM without Branded Beast but they often search follow-up if their board is broken, still a big Zeus is hard for them to out.

  4. Effect negation like Veiler, Imperm, and Mourner are still good against Tear and Branded, but quite weak against both Spright and D-Link who can easily play through small interruption.

  5. During the climb, it might be wise to change up tech-options like add Red Reboot or other Trap hate in lower ranks because of Stun or two extra Bystials if you see Branded and Tear more often.

  6. Droll just because of D-Link.

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