Superheavy Samurai

Master I from on January 21st, 2024
cp-ur 990 + cp-sr 330
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Soulpiercer is very fair and balanced.

I prefer Ghost Mourn over veiler because i am scared of my opponent special summoning in my turn. Her burn effect might also come useful sometimes. Also she is not a light monster so she cannot be banished to summon bystials.

I don't run Droll&Lock. Sure, it kinda hurts Sams but they can also synchro many different monsters if they have a good hand. Also, bird is kinda meh against other meta decks.

Ghost Belle is bae, she protects me against Called by the Grave, is almost never dead (except against pendulum based decks or Floow) AND can be used to synchro summon Naturia Beast if needed.

Triple Nibiru goes brrrr.

No King Regulus or Borreload. I initially ran both of them, but then I decided it was better to run triple Nibiru for the former and Drasgter for the latter.

The goal of this deck is to FTK your opponent if you're going first by using Dark Stike Fighter eff. In order to accomplish that, Dark Strike Fighter and 3+ mecha phantom beast tokens must be must be on the field. Then, activate Galaxy Queen's Light targetting Raiten. After that, use DSF eff to burn your opponent for 8600 damage.

...but of course things almost never go that way because our opponent WILL disrupt our plays or win the coin flip. In that case, well, just spam stuff and play your handtraps wisely.

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