
Master I from on January 21st, 2024
cp-ur 930 + cp-sr 450
40 cards

Notes & Combos


New note: Nothing change in the decklist, I have been on and off running a more Trap heavy variants, which is better for going first with more "explosive" endboard (i guess?), but I still prefer HT variants as I like the flexibility. Fossil dig is a nice consitency card if you brick a lot or have terrible luck, you know who you are.

Important information against Vanquish Soul: Banishing a trap that prevent you from taking effect damage also stop snow devil. Thank you for coming to my ted talk.

Yeah anyway, this meta is just open droll vs shs or bust, going second is tough, but with counter trap cards is possible due to it being spell speed 3. Other way to go second is using ferret flames, while being at low LP, then use a counter trap(Strike/Intact) to stop their Omni negate or S/T negates

PeP and Raider + Arc for OTK potential + prosp fodder if you decide to banish one of them

We are going to morb you to death

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