Infernoble Knight

Master I from on February 26th, 2024
cp-ur 840 + cp-sr 540
42 cards

Notes & Combos

Infernoble list I may or may not have shamelessly stolen from Pak. Check out his past vods if you want to quickly learn how to play the deck to its fullest potentional. Pretty clean 42 cards, I replaced TTT for Imperm in order to target Snake-Eyes. Deck is extremely good going 1st, can chew through all handtraps including nib if played correctly, and has no problems against droll. Going second it can play through a weakened board of 2-3 interruptions, depending on the content of your hand or if you opened enough handtraps. Nonetheless, playing it was a blast and getting to master 1 was also a breeze! If you struggle with the deck, all you need is practice practice practice. don't play the bamboo cards, they are not worth the bricks, also 2 isolde is great, I just couldn't bother crafting the second. Replace the 2nd charles with it if you really want to

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023-167-468 is my id, if you want to check out some cool replays both going first and second