
Master I from on February 11th, 2024
cp-ur 930 + cp-sr 390
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Tried Noble Knight in the ladder for a change, but got caught heavily in the crossfire of Droll and Nibiru. So here we go again.

Literally nothing changed from my last Master V list. Deck is still strong on ladder. Although if I could change something, I think I will cut Mind Drain for Nibiru due to the abundance of combo decks, particularly Snake-Eye. Conversely with the previous games, I did not meet Branded at all, at last when I switched back to Dinomorphia.

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Here is some replays! I also included some losing games so we could assess the deck's weakness better (Well, some happened because of my misplays, though)


And as usual, you can check my guide for some of the tips and comments reagrding various cards (Will be extended to matchups as well). Kindly check the video's description!

Again, thank you for visiting this showcase!