
Master I from on February 22nd, 2024
cp-ur 1140 + cp-sr 570
47 cards

Notes & Combos

Now with less bricks and more handtraps!

Branded in White at 3 might be overkill but it being an easy Mirrorjade using Albaz or The Bystial Aluber into Striker Dragon makes it a really good extender (plus you have so many ways to dump Albaz/Aluber).

Once again don't build this unless you've done your homework as it is a difficult and expensive deck. Basically the least you want to end on is Lost/Regained and Mirrorjade made with Verte + handtraps. Dis Pater, Seal (instead of Verte sometimes), set Retribution, Granguignol in grave, Quem on field are other endboard parts typical for the deck.

If you want to add effect negation play Veiler over Imperm because of Bystial synergy/antisynergy and because Veiler works with Branded in High Spirits.

Going second vs Snake-Eye pray you get the good handtraps.

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