
Master I from on December 27th, 2023
cp-ur 1470 + cp-sr 420
60 cards

Notes & Combos

I said I'll bring this to Master I and I did it!

This list is just busted in the grind game, once you get the Lab engine going you'll just never run out of resources and Dinomorphia help you control you opponent with it. With Rexterm negate on the field you have more option to pops with Lovely and field spell.

When you go first you do your normal Lab plays, and on your opponent turn you just do Dinomorphia play.

Daruma and Ferret flames are what you'll search off with Lady, Trap Tracks, and Trap trix to wipe your opponent on the following turn.

Pot of Extravagence can be scary, I had games that I banish all my Kentregina/Rexterm so it just becomes standard Lab gameplay.

Nibiru is just absurd this meta, and we don't lose against VS going 2nd. Our traps stop Snow Devil and Rexterm stops their monster.

Our wost matchup is definitly Branded (Super poly and Banishment are annoying) and full-blown combo deck that put up like 10 million negates if you didn't draw hand traps or Solmen Strike + Flames/Daruma

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I don't have enough space for replays as there are some old replays I wanted to keep, so enjoy.
