
Master I from on August 13th, 2023
cp-ur 1140 + cp-sr 270
41 cards

Notes & Combos

Isn't searching Maxx "C" fun? Don't worry about the URCP cost!

Here is Labrynth ft. Tour Guide! The general game plan is to normal summon TGU to special summon Sangan from the deck and link into Cherubini. Cherubini sends Scarm from Deck to GY in order to search Chandraglier/TGU in the EP for follow-up or engine. That means that one normal summon of TGU is a potential Sangan search (Maxx "C", Veiler, Ash, Clock, Labrynth Furnitures, etc.) AND also that Scarm search.

The deck is also loaded with a grand total of 14 handtraps to beat Kashtira, Tearlament, and whatever else into the ground with value. All of these handtraps still function going first, which is why I opted for all handtraps instead of cards like Farfa, the Ishizu Shufflers, or Tackle Crusader. You can still try them out if you want!

One big addition is the addition of Kashtira Fenrir, the card that everyone is using. This card is AMAZING in Labrynth. A free body and interruption going first that searches something you can discard in Labrynth is great for the engine. Not to mention the ability for it to help break boards going second!

Motivations for Ratios:

Main Deck

Dimensional Barrier x1 - still an amazing flexible card, must play, great against Kash and Tear

The Handtraps x3 - Kashtira is super fragile right now, handtraps are amazing, not to mention all the handtraps I chose are very flexible into the meta right now

Terrors of the Overroot x1 - Great into Kashtira as setting a monster removes them of most of their plays as they cannot Special Summon Kashtira monsters from hand anymore by their own effect

Lab Ratios - since you want to use the TGU engine more, the lab ratios are like this to make space for it (and the handtraps)

Extra Deck

Chaos Angel x3 - I didn't use this much for the climb, but it's a great card in Labrynth, the times I did get to use it it was super impactful

Xyz Monsters - Very great into following turns when you can summon TGU for Chandraglier and make these for extra interruptions

Salamangreat Almiraj x2 - Great into hands where you don't draw TGU but drew the bricks (Sangan/Scarm), allows you to convert them into usable engine

Muckraker x2 - still a great card for summoning Lab monsters back from the GY

Unicorn x1 - it's unicorn, didn't use it much



  • Tomahawk/7-axis/Kash: 10-2
  • Tearlaments/Tear Kash: 3-1
  • Branded/Branded Pile: 4-0
  • Ishizu Chaos: 1-1
  • Floowandereeze: 1-1
  • Vaylantz: 2-0
  • Everything Else: 7-3
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Replays viewed through MD at 113-184-299!

Feel free to point out any misplays in the comments, I'm sure there's some.