Vanquish Soul

Master I from on April 25th, 2024
cp-ur 900 + cp-sr 540
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Evenly carried me to Master 1. I added it in because omni-negates are not present in the meta right now (I ran into 0 in all of master). I already have all the good earth/fire/dark handtraps, and all the other options are too low impact (imperm, crow, veiler, etc.). VS rarely OTKs anyways, you want to play the long game, so losing your battle phase doesn't matter. Also, a lot of the prevalent decks on the ladder can't easily OTK. I won games against snake eye and rescue ace where I passed turn 1, they hit me for close to 8000 damage, then I activate evenly on THEIR turn and win.

I think evenly is the perfect anti-meta card right now, so couple that with a shifter deck that doesn't care about Maxx C, doesn't lose to graveyard hate, doesn't need an extra deck, and can snowball card advantage even without a battle phase and you have a super easy deck to climb with.

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ID: 700-132-014

Example Replay - top replay from 4/24/24. My opponent did the most insane turn 1 combo I've ever seen from an earth pile/traptrix deck. Barrier statue + pop 4 monsters + bagooska + sera. Lost instantly to evenly.