
Master I from on April 9th, 2024
cp-ur 870 + cp-sr 570
40 cards

Notes & Combos

So I swapped a more Hand Trap/balanced list from my m5 climb to a Trap heavy list. This list performed VERY well. I had a 12 game win streak into m2 with 3 games left before an unfortuante disconnect but then won the next 4. Idk what it was, I felt like I couldn't lose?!

There are some changes you can make. If you'd like a 3rd Daruma and/or Welcome, I'd suggest Punishment out and 3rd copies of those in. I felt super comfortable on 2 Daruma since I can grab it at virtually any point and 3x Trap Trick means 5 copies of it for turn 0 plays with Arias on top of Punishment, IDP, etc. Gozen is still very good against Snake Eye. If they go Witch? Gozen locks them. Linkuriboh? Gozen locks them. Otherwise Rivalry is an auto win against them.

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For replays/screenshots, you can ping me in the Lab channel in the mdm discord! I'd be happy to share my games!