
Master I from on April 19th, 2024
cp-ur 1020 + cp-sr 270
40 cards

Notes & Combos

The climb was harder because of the addition of bonfire as well as emergency which makes non-engines a lot less impactful and exosister relies heavily on its non-engines. Before their addition, you can try to read your opponent's moves and delays then easily target certain chokepoints and you can successfully disrupt them most of the times but when those two were added, there are a lot of times those non-engines are still aren't enough.

Got a max of 8 winstreak with this build.

Very handtrap heavy variant. I opt out playing stella. You can add 1 for pax target if you prefer.

I have max copies of evenly because I just feel that evenly + martha is in an okay spot right now even against rescue ace or snake-eyes if they don't run the jet synchron package or you successfully stopped that line. You can switch into other handtraps if you prefer. There are a lot of games that the fire decks are blown out by this card.

I only run 1 of each archetype trap because I want to be able to play the game at turn 2 especially against fire decks. I don't like pressing the red button when I can't disrupt my opponent.

Shifter best handtrap.

Quote of the month: An arrogant person considers himself perfect. This is the chief harm of arrogance. It interferes with a person's main task in life - becoming a better person. --- Leo Tolstoy

Sidenote: I hope they give exosister a field spell that has activation effects for the lore as well as Martha's xyz so that I can try going for a 50-card deck just to fit carpedivem and stella.

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Duelist ID: 337-520-651

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