
Master I from on April 22nd, 2024
cp-ur 960 + cp-sr 300
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Im not gonna go too in depth with this. Know your only way to get to magnifica is if you draw either Martha AND any 2 card combo that gets a level 4 on board OR Any play that gets to the Rank 4 Xyz Kaspitell which then gets you martha to proceed with combo

Now I want to stress the important of Exo backrow. Know the best Exo card (the only meta level Exo card) is "Carpedivem" which does require alot of game knowledge to use. The idea is you Xyz summon on opponents turn with Magnifica (or god help you get any exo main deck on board when they touch the gy) and call a card that at which point they cannot use. They cant activate its effects and its effects are negated if already active. So see what they are on > Xyz summon > call the decks best card.

And if you open Pax + full combo use Pax to search Carpedivem AFTER you confirm Martha resolves then Xyz summon and call Nibiru. This is Exo's ONLY counter against Nibiru. The ONLY time you dont search Carp is if you cant get to magnifca in which case search returnia or you suspect they have something to stop you and you dont have enough handtraps in which case search Vadis. Sometimes its better not to get greedy

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A updated playlist of my Exosister Master Replays that I feel show the decks power in close and tough games
