Dream Mirror

Legend Anthology from on February 19th, 2023
cp-ur 390 + cp-sr 540
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Dream Mirror got untouched by the restrictions. The Dark Neiroy combo still works. Dark Neiroy searches Light Neiroy and she SS herself. Tribute the Light one with Dark's effect and search Light Ikelos, Dark Field. Search either Morpheus to pop a card, or Light Phantasos to summon something fromg grave. Use Light Ikelos to SS Dark Ikelos and now you can summon either monster that you searched with Light Ikelos.

If you want to search for Dark Ikelos off Dark Neiroy you need a Dream Mirror in hand already. So you'll search Light Field and Dark Ikelos which summons the DM in hand. Then you can go into Light Ikelos to search Phantasms or Dream Mirror of Chaos. Keep in mind though, if you grab Dream Mirror of Chaos since you have the Light field, you cannot fuse with the graveyard.

Normally search for Dark Neiroy with Phantasms but you can also search for the corresponding Morpheus if you have a Dark Ikelos ready to summon them from hand.

Also good to know, if you have Light Ikelos search and the Dark Field, that's straight into Dark Neiroy. You can SS from the grave with Light Phantasos and it'll trigger both Dark Neiroy and any of the Ikelos.

If you have Hypnagogia set with Phantasms in play, you can use it as a psuedo battle trap for that 1000 ATK point difference. Remember that Phantasms stack with more of them in play.

All Dream Mirrors have the effect to tag out when you have the corresponding field. Use it to dodge targetting and tag into the next monster. You can get protection if you tag out from Dark Morpheus and into Light Morpheus which has the protection effect. If you have the Light Oneiros out, that's one targetting destruction disruption. Keep track of which one you have activated on your turn. Tagging out to the corresponding monster after they battled and then back into the original tag can give you enough damage. The Dark Oneiros only tags into defense position and the Light Oneiros can float Dark (in grave).

Remember if you want that sweet 300 burn damage on all those SS from your opponent, you need to be the one in control of Dream Mirror of Terror not your opponent from Hypnagogia and a Dark Dream Mirror monster (if you really need to change Light Neiroy's attribute..)

Chaos Daedlus is great with the field spells I've debated having more copies. If I had more dust I would make more of the fusions, but I'm not going to. Feel free to change the extra deck to whatever you think has utility.

Replays: https://youtu.be/5DY-INOi9vY

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