
Fusion x Xyz Festival from on September 21st, 2023
cp-ur 480 + cp-sr 630
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Got a 6 winstreak with this live at

This is the best way to play Roids right now. You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.

The main playmaker is Keeper of Dragon Magic. Its plays depend whether I have the Field Spell Megaroid City in hand or not, because Keeper on its own cannot search Megaroid since we still don't have Kaitoptera and Horned Saurus in the game.

If I have the Field Spell in hand, it searches Deployment for Sangan/Witch. Megaroid pops that monster to search Speedroid Dupligate, then that popped monster searches a WIND handtrap like Mourner or Droll, which is how I fulfill Dupligate. Keeper then Sets that popped monster, so it can do it again next turn. Sangan can search Mourner, and Witch can search more copies of Keeper.

Without the Field Spell it just searches Fusion Destiny or Branded Fusion. Destiny if I also have Deployment in hand, so DPE can pop Sangan/Witch (can't resummon it that turn due to FD's lock), Branded if not. Lubellion is made with Sangan/Witch, which Keeper Sets after Summoning Mirrorjade.

Without Keeper, I can Special Fenrir, add Unicorn, pop Fenrir with Megaroid and add something like Terrortop, Special Unicorn, add Birth, activate Birth and Summon Fenrir, Normal Summon Terrortop and search Menko. Unicorn is WIND so it too fulfills Dupligate, and Birth can Summon Unicorn even if it is banished.

Otherwise I can Normal Mixeroid, Tribute it and Summon Armoroid from Deck, then Regulus Special Summon itself and equip Mixeroid. Megaroid pop Mixeroid, search Dupligate.

Wisel is there because Megaroid generally pops monsters, and it is a Spell negate. It's also a fantastic Small World bridge for Keeper.

The actual boss monster, Mobile Base, is Summoned by using Ready Fusion/Mixeroid GY effect and Vehicroid Connection Zone with 1 other Roid in hand or field. Then it becomes an indestructible and... "un-effects-negatable" wall with 5000 DEF, which Summons more Roids, especially more copies of itself, every turn. Once per battle each turn, you can make it have 5000 ATK instead by milling any Roid monster from your Deck, thanks to your Field Spell.

I never got to use Mixeroid's GY effect, so Necroid Shaman was never used. Every other monster in the Extra Deck was either Summoned (Fusion or with Mobile Base), revealed with Keeper and/or Deployment, or milled by Mirrorjade.

My winstreak ended to Witchcrafters. Vice-Madame destroid me :(

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The Duels don't have Alba-Lenatus because I forgot it even existed. I crafted it at the end of the stream. Oops.

01:23:00 is where I swap from Numerons to Roids and hop in my first game.

02:06:50 is where I actually start to win games.

02:34:30 is where my short winstreak ends, really unfortunate.

02:50:25 is where the real winstreak begins.

03:44:45 is where the winstreak ends. Amazing endboard. Horrible matchup.