
Fusion x Link Festival from on May 22nd, 2024
cp-ur 810 + cp-sr 510
41 cards

Notes & Combos

Currently 11-6, so the deck is alright, but it can definitely struggle. The worst match-ups so far are Sky Striker and Unchained. (as expected, which is why I'm running Crow and IDP to try to mitigate things)

In a few games, I had all handtraps and never drew a Traptrix name to get going or was hit by handtraps on Sera from a Holeutea, so I could never get going either.

Originally had 2 Prison and 3 Judgment in the deck, but ended up removing 1 of each and adding a second Arach and third TT. I didn't have 3 TT originally in the deck since it doesn't play the best into Unchained (which I assumed I was going to see a fair amount of).

Regarding the deck itself, it can be a bit tough to get going without the power of our rank 4s. If you happen to get Sera + Holeutea going on the first turn.. there's not really a good link 2 to go into, so the mats are just kind of there, as opposed to making something like Redoer, which is a sticky body, a spin, and after detaching gives you a Holeutea activation.

For the handtraps, Crow has been alright. It has put in some work, but I'm not sure if it'd be better to have something stronger given that we don't have 1 card starters. Nib has been great whenever I see it. It probably only struggles against other backrow decks or something like Chimera if they get their negate in the gy.

Regarding the ED, the only link 4+ that I've used so far is Accesscode Talker. The second Atypus isn't really needed as well. Also, this event just reinforces how much I wish that Cularia's materials were the same as Atypus'. Needing to have 2 insect and/or plant monsters when you just have a single Traptrix out and something like a handtrap in hand is pure suffering. As mentioned, the link 2s are pretty mid as an endboard.

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