
Duelist Cup Stage 2 Win Streaks from on March 25th, 2024
cp-ur 750 + cp-sr 600
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Got a winstreak of 5 with this live at

I played 12 games in Stage 2. Won 9 of them. My winstreak ended to a flucking DD Dynamite deck that I couldn't draw Solemn against in 9 turns. After that I got another winstreak of 4 which ended to a Kash player who Imperm'd me thrice while I only had 2 Solemns. That's what I get for playing stun.

Murphy's law suggests I must cut Earth Statue because my opponents manifest Fenrir into hand every time I Summon it.

I cut Golgonda targets to 5 because Doggy Punishment hardly ever needs a second 3000+ to mill, so 3 Mirrorjade was unnecessary. I added the 3rd Titanic Lad because it brings so much value. I also added Skull Wagon because it's better than N'tss, Malong etc. if I Doggy Punishment my opponent when he attacks, and then he Sets a card(s) in MP2.

Ban DD Dynamite.

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Check my vods at for the games. Keep in mind that vods get deleted after some time.
