Lyrilusc Tri-Brigade

Duelist Cup Stage 2 Win Streaks from on March 24th, 2024
cp-ur 810 + cp-sr 360
42 cards

Notes & Combos

Similar to my last list: (If you want to see my other list and can't open the link go to my profile)

The differences between those 2 decklists are:

  • Droplets instead of the imperms (helped a lot)
  • 2 Dark Rulers that rarely helped (you can round to 40 card playing without these 2)

Pretty standard Tri-Brigade Lyrilusc build, often you should be able to play through multiple handtraps and having a decent/perfect endboard. You always want to go first to be able to set F0, Simorgh and Apex Avian, and Ensemblue Robin.

I got DLv MAX with a 6 winstreak and now i've done 9W/2L in 2nd stage (Both lost because of Kashtira turn one). You need a good knowledge about all the cards and what they do. The Yellow Bird locks you on XYZ so you want to play that as the last piece of combo.

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ID: 848-684-528 The 2 most recent public replays:

  • Full combo
  • Playing against a ton of interruptions

(Konami should let us save more replays, the current limit is too low)