
Duelist Cup Stage 2 Win Streaks from on March 24th, 2023
cp-ur 450 + cp-sr 960
42 cards

Notes & Combos

Do you have a gambling addiction and want to test your luck? Do you seek those sudden thrills, when your totally dysfunctional gimmicky deck somehow works out and cheeses out a win.


Then this is the perfect deck for you. I present Casino Labrynth.

The idea of including the ishizu engine into a labrynth deck and somehow making it work has always intruigued me. In theory the concept sounds very good, you use the furniture cards or Chaos hunter to send the millers to grave. Those mill 10 cards an you will have the shufflers as interruption. Lovely will then be able to reset the powerful traps on your turn.

If you mill backjack you can set an immediately activatable trap onto the field and if you mill the rainbow magician and can set a card like lost wind during your opponents turn you have mystic mine at home.

In reality this doesn't work out nearly as often, because you usually wont see the millers in hand and even if you do the mills are mostly garbage. Your turn 1 will also be substaintially weaker.

The extra deck is not really needed, except for the knightmares (they trigger the millers) and bagooska.

The reason why I was able to achieve this winstreak is because I played against other decks with Ishizu engines. Turns out if you mill 20 cards the above described scenarios actually work out and rainbow locking the opponent is a very frequent win con.

So if you want to be as successful as possible and have a low frustration tolerance you shouldn't play this deck.

If you still think trying this deck out is a good idea I wish you lots of luck (youre definetely going to need it).

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