Branded Despia

Duelist Cup DLv. Max from on October 19th, 2023
cp-ur 870 + cp-sr 390
44 cards

Notes & Combos

Branded with Patchwork

Thrust puts in a lot of work in making matchups like Kashtira and Purrely a lot better than they would be without. Dramaturge is cuttable but I have had success with him as Patchwork Poly access makes him a lot better and bringing him out turn 1 to negate Mirrorjade so Mirrorjade can send an Albaz fusion to grave without banishing anything is cracked (and makes OTK lines under Maxx-C a lot easier as a bonus).

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Replays (vs. Kashtira with Arise going 2nd) (vs. Purrely going 2nd) (getting Nibbed by Mikanko)