
Duelist Cup DLv. Max from on March 22nd, 2024
cp-ur 870 + cp-sr 420
40 cards

Notes & Combos

I did think about maybe trying out another variant, but I didn't really want to spend some time learning some new things out and wanted to have an easy climb.

Ended up going 26-7 (maybe 25-8), however, there were a handful of games I should have lost, but my opponents either misplayed or were newer/less experienced and didn't know some moves/things they should have done.

For example, a Swordsoul player went first and had both Chixiao and Chengying out. I used Imperm on Chixiao to try to play and during my turn, my opponent never banished for Chixiao's effect to proc Chengying to stop me from doing anything.

Still not a fan of the amount of handtraps and Shifter in the deck. It usually never feels great going first with 2-3 handtraps (where 1 of them is a duplicate) since what I can end on seems pretty fagile most of the time. Opening Shifter going first always feels pretty blah too. (although, that's probably more so due to not opening any names and having a kind of mid hand anwyays) You just need some power cards going second.. which is why I've been keeping it in.

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  1. Going second against Live☆Twin/Snake-Eye - 60 cards. [Emilia]

Had no clue what was going on, however, I was informed that it's probably very similar to a list that Saucy Senpai put up -☆twin/saucy-senpai/vE-1-

Had a few other alright games, however, 10 slots for replays is still a bit low..