
Duelist Cup DLv. Max from on March 15th, 2024
cp-ur 1170 + cp-sr 330
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Very smooth climb from 12 to 19, then I started to have hellish luck against Stun, Labrynth and the insane extenders people had so I figured it was time to change the list yet again. This time, cutting down on Nibiru because he didn't come up nearly as often as I wanted him to, and honestly could be cut out altogether. I had to add in Subversion and Silvera for different reasons, Subversion being a very good removal card in multiple matchups like the Mirror, Silvera in the case that Maxx C resolved against me which kept happening over and over again while not having enough hand traps/interruption for my opponent's plays. Prosperity was added in last minute but only showed once and got negated.

I decided to go full Link and cut out Jet Synchron + Borreload Savage Dragon because Jet Synchron by itself doesn't really do anything, and he kept showing up in my hands doing nothing. Since I cut him out, there's no reason to not go full Link. I flip flopped between Link cards but the ED I have here is certainly Fine but not my ideal. I'm seriously wishing for S:P Little Knight now.

Thinking about my Handtrap line-up now, I think Mourner is a goated card along with the Bystials. They are extremely good and came up multiple times during the climb, more so than Nib did anyway. I think Nibiru(s) should either be removed altogether and replaced with D.D. Crow, Skull Meister for Rollback shenanigans, or Ghost Belle and Haunted Mansion. Overall, I think this list is about as good as its going to get for Heatsoul Snake-Eyes. See you in the 2nd stage.

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I think I misplayed in some of the public replays and most are focused on the master rank climb, but its almost no different from what I do usually with the deck.