
Duelist Cup DLv. Max from on March 22nd, 2024
cp-ur 690 + cp-sr 570
40 cards

Notes & Combos

If you Ash me I hope you step on water with socks on.


  • This build focuses a tiny bit more on banishing opponent's cards compared to my usual Branded Darklord list. Lots of examples of what the deck can do in the video below which still includes the untargetable Kristya lines.
  • No surprise that Alba-Lenatus is the least used card in the extra, so feel free to change that out.
  • Backrow decks are still a bad matchup. SuperPoly might make you replace your desk.
  • D.D. Crow helps banish important reocurring resources (links for Snake-Eyes, etc) while also making it easy to make Rindbrumm if needed. Rindbrumm can also be sent to the GY with Mirrorjade/Granguignol if you think your MJ will leave the field so that you can banish yet again the following turn to keep up the pressure by summoning an albaz with it.
  • I hate Labrynth
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Replays with this deck

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