
Duelist Cup DLv. Max from on March 20th, 2023
cp-ur 750 + cp-sr 450
43 cards

Notes & Combos

Just mathmech + Heatsoul, nothing too exciting. Some of the ratios felt kind of off but it worked well. Multiplication was something I messed with including that I'd consider since it lets you OTK through Circular's one attack limitation but it always felt bricky.

You could probably cut the Transcode for either one of the Code Talker Link 2's for bricky hands or another utility slot.

Stygian Dirge is bad and you should not run it. The thought process behind it was to search off of a 4 material Alembertian to mess with spright. I only ever managed the search a few times though and it felt kind of bad, but its funny so I kept it.

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