Despia Shaddoll

Duelist Cup DLv. Max from on March 19th, 2023
cp-ur 930 + cp-sr 630
55 cards

Notes & Combos

55 cards but if you "have Grass looks greaner" make it 60 card list, but to be honest a looooot of pldayer play +50 cards decks so you will not get a lot of advantage from it

D.D crow has to good things 1) it's a hand trap able to stop Ronintoadin at Spright duel 2) it's a dark attribute, so you will be able to access to almost all the Fusions

There are some cards that can be replaced like you can remove albaz Package to play Edge Imp Package = (2 edge lamp + 2 normal poly + 2-3 Frightfur Patchwork) for more accesse to Fusions we play a lot of lv 4 monsters, so you can cut 1 Masquerade to add some good lv4 XYZ monsters like (Dugares the Timeless) or lv8 Synchro like (Chaos Ruler) to help you with draw or send to GY, But remamber you can't use Branded Fusion this turn

That's it for now... thanks

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