
Duelist Cup DLv. Max from on December 14th, 2023
cp-ur 1050 + cp-sr 330
40 cards

Notes & Combos

I like how many ways this deck can go into cruler. Just count to 8 and you're good to go.

Cyberse gadget feels pretty good when you can resolve its effects, and typically people won't imperm it because they don't really know what it does.

I would run a third Bystial Lubellion if I had one, but I don't.

I want to try Ready Fusion, but don't really want to craft them right now.

I also want to try Chaos Space over Cynet Mining, just haven't gotten around to it. I'd probably try more Shinobi Necros if I were on Chaos Space as well.

Spright Smashers and Spright Starter don't really come up much, but can be pretty nice if you can't find your synchro plays. They're mostly just nice if you have a leftover level 2 body though.

I haven't really gotten a chance to test Draco Berserker or Hieratic Seal. I was previously on IP + Avramax but didn't really like it. Might put IP back in over Draco Berserker.

The extra deck is honestly pretty flexible, just depends on what you value between extenders and cards that put your monsters into the gy.

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